Thursday, 12 September 2013

In Solidarity with Julie Bindel against Threats of Violence

Following the vile and disgusting rape threats which were reported to have been directed towards Julie Bindel when she was scheduled to speak to an audience of students at the University of Manchester, I would like to issue the following statement:-

"I was shocked and disgusted to learn of a rape threat directed towards Julie Bindel by an alleged trans person (or ally), and condemn any and all such threats in the strongest possible terms.
Ms Bindel was due to speak at a debate at the University of Manchester regarding the porn industry and received the threat shortly before this happened.  A protest had been organised by a Manchester Trans group regarding legitimate concerns being raised by trans activists/ students on campus in the run up to the event because of her historical views on trans rights.
Whether the threat came from a member of the Trans community or from somebody against any possible restrictions being placed on the pornographic industry is unknown, but I applaud Ms. Bindel for her action in reporting this matter to the police and I sincerely hope that the perpetrator is quickly found and punished for their action.
I consider rape threats to be always unacceptable when used to try and silence women and subjugate us.
Whilst I strongly disagree with Ms Bindel on certain points of her philosophy which she has stated in the past, I do not believe that threats of this nature are the way to argue against her beliefs and therefore condemn these threats absolutely and wholeheartedly.
I would like to offer my solidarity with Julie Bindel against any and all threats of violence of this nature"

I would urge other transgender blog sites to condemn rape, threats of rape or any form of violence towards any woman (and trans women are women) as misogynistic attempts to silence all women.


  1. "certain points of her philosophy which she has stated in the past"
    It should be made clear that the "philosophy" in question boils down to a 2004 comment on a M-t-F trans who had taken to court and nearly bankrupted a woman's organization that had decided to protect rape victims from counseling by a male-born person. Canada's Supreme court validated that choice on the basis of rape victims' needs. Ms. Bindel has since then repeatedly pointed out her solidarity with trans persons and advocacy for their rights along with those of women and lesbians. The current attacks against her are rife with disinformation: she is a tremendous ally and by no means transphobic. I hope that many trans persons will protest, as I do, any attempt to intimidate, smear and hound her from public space.

    1. I am not going to get into any arguments with you here Martin about Julie's many articles in the press that have sought to deny trans people the right to self determination - many after 2004, it is not the place to do it. This is about putting differences of opinion aside and standing in solidarity with another woman who has been threatened with violence. I will simply let my statement stand as it is - to express my revulsion at any threat of rape or violence aimed at any woman in an attempt to frighten/coerce or intimidate her into silence.


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