Wednesday, 29 February 2012

Had my PRP Skin Rejuvenation Therapy Today

Nikky called to collect me at noon and took me to Medi Esthetic where I would have my PRP treatment.  Unfortunately I had to wait awhile until things were available for me to begin the treatment.  First I was escorted to a reasonably sized room and after removing my jewellery was asked to lie down on the treatment table for the technician to take my blood.  DOH!!! The poor lass couldn't find a vein (which is not unusual, I have been black and blue in the past when I have had to give blood samples as my veins lie quite deep  and everybody has difficulty taking samples).  After one attempt she gave up as she didn't want to do any damage and took me out from the clinic to another clinic specialising in blood tests, and a nice guy looked at my arms, laughed and nodded his head.  However, after a few minutes of tapping and hand clenching he did find one and managed to get enough blood out of me for the treatment.

After arrival back in the Medi Esthetic, I was taken back to the room and lay down for a while until another young girl entered and proceeded to apply an anaesthetic lotion to my face in the areas which were to be treated.  I then waited for about a further 10 mins for the lotion to take effect and another young girl came in to actually give the injections of my platelets back into my face.  Was it painful??  No not really, unpleasant in some areas (and nowhere near what I feared it would be on my top lip) but completely OK in other areas.  I have certainly experienced far worse sessions of electrolysis.  I did feel very swollen though afterwards but she returned and proceeded to dab my face with something which cooled my face down very quickly and that was that - the treatment was finished and I was free to go.

I called Nikky and she returned about 15 or 20 minutes later to collect me and take me back to my apartment.  After about an hour back in the apartment, I did feel my face stinging a little (no doubt as the facial anaesthetic started to wear off), but nothing too painful and I didn't even need any painkillers to control it.

For a fuller explanation about what PRP Rejuvenation Therapy is, please see my separate page on this topic here.

Tuesday, 28 February 2012

Important Notice

Nikky has asked me to point out that because of a number of factors (surgeon too booked up, clinic availability, accommodation availability) it is very difficult to book your surgery at short notice.  It could be possible sometimes (say in the event that somebody had to postpone their surgery for reasons beyond their control), but generally she would need a minimum of 2 to 3 months notice of you wanting a particular date.

Elation - and disappointment

Malecón de la Reserva,  Miraflores,  Lima
Went to the clinic at lunchtime to see Dr. Pimentel and he removed all the remaining stitches and gave me the go ahead for the CO2 laser resurfacing and said that the dentist could start work on my upper teeth on Thursday.
In the late afternoon I went to my appointment with Dr. Cueva and he tried in the metal caps which now had the porcelain crowns attached, I was pleased with them, but Dr. Cueva thought that he could improve on the fitting and the aesthetics so he explained what needed doing and why to the dental technician who was also present at the consultation.  After going over things several times with her to make sure she understood what was required, he told me that the final fitting would be on Thursday morning.  He also told the technician how he wanted the upper denture modified and if it still didn't fit correctly at that point he would make some further impressions and have a new set made for me.
Taken in the Parqué Central
The disappointment came when Nikky said that I couldn't have the laser treatment tonight despite Dr. Pimentel giving the go ahead for treatment to start.  She will be calling round later to explain why.
Apparently it was because the doctor at Medi Esthetic didn't have any spare appointments this evening which is beyond Nikky's control - but on the recommendation of Dr. Pimentel, I will first have the Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) rejuvenation treatment which will be followed on Friday by the 2nd laser skin resurfacing treatment.
Nikky's new clinic will be situated close to the Parqué Central de Miraflores she told me, which is a beautiful location - see the picture on the right which was taken within the grounds of the park.  It is about a 10 minute walk from the apartment where I am staying - but Innperu (the company that owns the apartment where I am staying also has some apartment blocks closer to this location, so perhaps Nikky will be using those apartments in the future if there is availability at the time you book.
North entrance to the Parqué Central de Miraflores, Lima Peru, a haven of shade after a shopping trip

Sunday, 26 February 2012

Another hot and sunny day

180º Panorama of the Pacific Coastline at Miraflores, Lima, Peru
Tower on the cliff top
Another beautiful day with clear blue skies, so it was promising to be very hot.  I decided to go shopping again up near the Parqué Central and then returned via the Vivanda supermarket that I use to stock up on things and get some more fresh fruit.  I was still a bit restless after this so decided to have a walk down to the cliffs overlooking the beach at Miraflores (picture above) and have a wander round that area.
After I returned to my apartment, Nikky called round to see me and we had a really good long chat to discuss what would be happening in the next 11 days before I fly back to the UK.  Monday in particular promises to be quite hectic as I will go and see Dr. Pimentel for removal of more stitches and he will then decide if I can have my laser treatment.  Late afternoon I am going to see Dr. Cueva for the last (hopefully) trial fitting of the metal caps and the porcelain crowns - then, provided I was given the OK for the laser treatment, I will go to the clinic (Medi Esthetic) for the CO2 laser resurfacing treatment on my face. 
One interesting point came up during the conversation is that Femilife is finally hoping to open their own offices in about a months time.  Other than the actual surgeries themselves, this will be the venue for all consultations and Post-operative follow up meetings with the surgeons.  It will be situated within a short walk of the apartments which Nikky is using to accommodate her patients.

Friday, 24 February 2012

Visit to the Dentist's for a Trial Fitting

Popped into the dentist's this evening to see Dr. Cueva for the trial fitting of the metal caps for the teeth over which the porcelain crowns will be fitted.  They fitted perfectly and I now have to return on Monday for the trial fitting of both the metal and the porcelain.  If I am happy with what I see, then they go back to the lab for final adjustment and will be fitted permanently in place on Tuesday.

Thursday, 23 February 2012

Second Review of Face/Neck Uplifts and Implants

Nikky called to collect me today to take me to see Dr. Pimentel for the second review and to start the removal of the stitches.  He is pleased with how it is going, but told me I still had to avoid wearing the upper denture because of the stitches inside my mouth.
The bruising on my chin is now rapidly fading and he thought I would be fine to restart the laser skin resurfacing work either Friday or Saturday, so all is set fair for everything to be done for when I beging my journey back to the UK.
A full report is in my diary about my FFS here.
Nikky also informed me that my appointment with Dr. Cueva was tomorrow (not next Wednesday as I thought) as the crowns were not quite ready for today (why does it take 3 weeks for them to be made on the NHS I wonder - I thought it was good to be just a week lol).
After I got back to my apartment, I decided to go for a walk round as last week I had spotted a little shopping mall away from the main tourist shops where they sold some really nice looking handbags - so I went back there and after a delightful 30 mins of looking over the wares and having a chat with the nice Peruvian lady who owned the 'stall' (for want of a better word - it was like a large recess in the wall with a canopy hanging out from the wall) I bought a really nice one for just 30 soles (about £7)

Tuesday, 21 February 2012

My dental work continues at last

This afternoon saw the resumption of my dental work by Dr. Cueva where he was going to be doing all the preparatory work for my crowns.  It turned out to be a very long session lasting about 2½ hours.  For a full report see my separate page entitled 'Cosmetic Dentistry in Peru' which you can access here.

Friday, 17 February 2012

First review of face lifts and cheek implants

Today I went to see Dr. Pimentel for a review of the various procedures that he had carried out on Tuesday.  All is looking good, except for the bruising which did come back, so I have decided to just let it come out and work its way out of my system.
A much fuller account is my separate page 'My FFS in Lima, Peru' - which you can access by clicking here.

Tuesday, 14 February 2012

Final Surgery Today

For a full report on my 2nd surgery which included my cheek implants and the face and neck lifts, please see my detailed report in My FFS in Lima, Peru

New Earthquake last night

I had been in bed for about 45 mins when a low rumble and moderately violent shaking brought me round from a semi sleep.  Although seemingly more violent than the last one in January, this time it only last about 4 seconds (might have been slightly longer, that is how it appeared to me though when I was fully awake).  No damage was done and although the magnitude was only 4.8 (far weaker at the epicentre than the last one) this time it was located only 24 miles from the centre of Lima and therefore felt a lot stronger)

Sunday, 12 February 2012

Another partly wasted day

Went for my dental fitting this morning and as usual Dr. Cueva was charming and hospitable.  I was seen promptly (well within 5 mins lol) and the new denture looks so much better than my old 'immediate' denture supplied by the NHS (for £300+).  I paid half the bill, the remainder of which is to be paid on completion of all the work.  Got back at about 12 after doing a little shopping to wait for Dr. Pimentel's promised visit.
And waited, and waited ................ and waited.  At 6 pm I phoned Nikky and she said she was coming round to see me as Dr. Pimentel had been called away to yet another emergency in another city and because of this, not only was the final removal of the stitches postponed, my surgery had been put back yet another day.  I was not very pleased about this, to say the least.  Common courtesy would have been to inform us (both Sarah and myself) so that we could go out if we wished to instead of being cooped up in our rooms waiting. This is the second time that my surgery has been put back, the first time was because he wanted extra tests doing (delayed by about 5 days for that one).  This is all eating into my planned recovery time at the end of my stay here when I should be healing so that when I start my weddings when I return to the UK there will be minimal amount of scarring visible.

Saturday, 11 February 2012

A bit of a non-event day

Had planned to have the rest of my stitches removed today and Nikky called and took me to the clinic, but Dr. Pimentel rang her to say that he had unfortunately been called to an emergency and so it was cancelled.  He rang again slightly later to apologise to us but said that he would call round to my apartment on Saturday to remove the remaining stitches and discuss my next surgery on Monday.  What's this, home visits by the surgeon??  Something absolutely unheard of in the UK!!
So tomorrow is going to be quite busy, first the visit from Dr. Pimentel and then a trip to the dentist's for my first fitting of my upper denture.
Started my separate page (see here) about my experiences with Dr. Carlos Cueva, a cosmetic dentist here in Peru.

Wednesday, 8 February 2012

Visit to the Dentist planned for today

Miraflores by night
Last night Nikky phoned to tell me that she had arranged for my visit to the dentist's today to enquire about some dental work that I need doing and what my dentist in the UK had quoted me £2,150 for.  I read on the internet that Peruvian dentist's are just as qualified as European ones and only about a third of the price - so the savings could be quite large.
Later on, I also went out to take some night time photographs of Lima and again there was a certain buzz about the city, and although not as packed as on Saturday night, there were still many people out on the streets.
A guitarist was playing in the small amphitheatre in the heart of the Parqué Central with crowds of people sat around listening to him play.  Just as I was leaving the park, another musician must have joined him as I could hear the plaintive and distinct sound of the Peruvian panpipes mingled in with the guitar.

Dr. Carlos Cueva
Had my appointment with the dentist this afternoon and as usual, the clinic was ultra modern and spotlessly clean.  The dentist spoke flawless English and he was charming and lovely to talk to.  After a thorough examination and discussion of what I wanted (a new upper denture and six of my lower teeth crowned, he gave me the total price of the treatments which came to £1,387 - far less than what it would have cost just for the crowns alone in the UK.  The upper denture I am having made is very high quality and he suggested many improvements over the one which I already have and a denture of this quality would probably have cost me a minimum of around £700 in the UK (so £2,850 in the UK vs £1,387 in Peru - so no contest, I am having my teeth done whilst I am here in Peru). If I had gone with a cosmetic dentist in the UK as my own dentist was suggesting that I should, the price difference would have been an amazing £2,000.  So not only will I be returning to the UK with a bright new face, I will have a bright new smile to match it.
For anybody coming to Peru for their FFS, it might be well worth your while to have any dental treatments that you require whilst you are in Lima.  Dr. Carlos Cueva has his own website here
Nikky also confirmed to me that my second surgery will be on Monday.  This is where it all starts to get more and more exciting.

Further details of my dental experiences will appear in a separate page  here.

Monday, 6 February 2012

Lost my sun hat

Old Peruvian steam train
A very quiet day and it was roasting hot under a clear blue sky, so, bearing in mind that I am not supposed to expose the scar on my forehead and under my nose to the sun, I resisted going out until later on in the afternoon when I walked up to a beautiful little park near to the main motorway which runs through the heart of Lima.  It was an oasis with lots of trees to provide shade.
In the middle of the park was a small museum, unfortunately it was closed being a Sunday but alongside the museum was a very old steam train, so I must presume that the museum was something to do with transport.  On the way back I lost my sun hat - so that made any further outings not feasible for the remainder of the day.
180º panorama of the Parqué Central de Miraflores
Strolled up to the Parqué Central area again today to buy a sun hat from one of the many street vendors who inhabit the area and picked up a slightly smaller size one - and this time it had a band which went under my chin - at least that should solve the problem of it falling off again and losing it.  I thought he said it was 50 nuevo sol to start off with, which I thought was a little expensive so I started to haggle with him on the price.  He had a very puzzled expression on his face as actually he had told me it was 15 nuevo sol, had a good laugh with him about that.
Some of the many feral cats
There is a large feral cat population which is endemic to Lima, but they all seem to prefer to live in the area of the park, presumably feeding on the remnants of the fast food establishments which proliferate in that area - and also no doubt on the mice which undoubtedly live in the park and its surrounding area.

Saturday, 4 February 2012

Last Lunch with Sophie

When we got back from the clinic, Sophie and I decided to go out and have a last lunch together before she flies back to the States tonight.  After looking at various place we decided  on an Argentinian restaurant in the small pedestrianised precinct just up from the supermarket and had a very enjoyable meal there (sorry, no photos this time).  I had a salad based dish with Avocado pear and a chicken and potato topping which was very tasty and then a steak which had been cooked in a breadcrumb and batter coating with some French Fries (wow, naughty, naughty - but I honestly haven't had a chip for at least 6 months, so I think I can be forgiven this once).
I will probably ask Nikky if I can go with them to the airport so that I can say a proper goodbye to Sophie later.  She has been a very good friend to me as we went through out various ops together.
Alas, it was not really possible to go to the airport as the taxi was not coming back to Miraflores, so I had to say my farewells to Sophie at the apartment.  I felt quite sad at saying bye bye.
So, if you ever get to read this Sophie
'Thank you for your friendship and companionship this last three weeks, it has meant  a lot to me' xxx

After she left, I took a stroll up to the Parqué Central.  Lima comes to life of an evening and the city takes on a new form of life, with a vibrancy which you simply do not see during the day.  It would seem that every man, woman and their dogs take to the streets at night and it was heaving with people.  The Parqué itself was packed to the rafters, you could hardly move for the sheer volume of people who were packed into it, yet I never felt threatened in any way, the people were there to enjoy themselves and just have fun.  It was just a nice place to be and although I took a cardigan with me, I regretted wearing it as it was still very warm, despite the late hour.
Hola Lima, me encanta tu encanto y vitalidad - y gracias al pueblo peruano por su calidez y hospitalidad.

Yay, stitches out and nose plaster removed

Finally, virtually all of the remaining stitches were removed at lunchtime - and what a difference it makes.  The scar on my forehead is a pinkish line which, is not particularly noticeable and which I know will fade dramatically over the next 6 months - and should be fine as I prefer to wear my hair with a fringe.
The removal of the stitches went well and there was very little pain - so either my head must be still completely numb or my lessons in meditation which helped see me through many hours of painful electrolysis really came to the fore.  I think he (Dr. Pimentel) was surprised on how easily I managed the pain.
Now that the stitches are out and the plaster that has been covering my nose for the past ten days has been removed all I can say is that I am utterly amazed at what a difference it has made to my face - and if I pull the skin slightly to emulate what the face will look like after the face lifts, I am getting glimpses of why he was telling me that he was taking my face back to being 40 years old.
I am so pleased that I decided to have this done and would like to record my thanks to two people (Layla and Veronika) who both visited Lima to ensure the legitimacy of Femilife before recommending it to me.  Thank you.

Friday, 3 February 2012

The Inca Plaza

Nothing happening on the medical yesterday or today for me - although Sophie had her laser skin resurfacing done last night, which she found was a little painful (tell me about it lol), but at least it is not for hours on end.
Sophie's friend told her about a small shopping centre about 4 or 5 blocks north of the Parqué Central de Miraflores and we were planning to go there today, provided it wasn't sunny - but alas, the sun was streaming down once again this morning so I decided to walk up there on my own.
Artesanal Inca Plaza, Miraflores, Peru
It is a small complex of a myriad of small shops, the majority of which are selling souvenir type gifts based on Inca styles for things like dolls, rugs, clothing, jewellery etc.
It is a charming little complex  where the people greet you with a pleasant "Buenos días Senora" or even a light hearted "Hola, senorita" and a ready smile.
One of the typical shops
I found the prices were a little high, until I discovered if you shake your head and start to haggle (quite amusing when you don't really speak too much of the language) that the prices soon start dropping if they realise that they are going to lose the sale.  Items would often drop to less than half of what they were originally asking you for.  Having learned that lesson I will probably go back later on in my stay here and buy a few more bits and pieces for both myself and for presents back home. 
Maybe Sophie might be interested in going back later on tonight once she can go out again after her laser treatment, it would be nice for her to see it - especially as it was Sophie who told me about it in the first instance.

Thursday, 2 February 2012

Removal of stitches

We went to see Dr. Pimentel at the clinic where he removed around 50% of my stitches from my forehead and what seemed like a whole mass of stuff from my nostrils, but he left a few of the stitches in place to make sure everything was being held securely in place and that the incisions had really started to heal and were not likely to split open at any time.
I will have to return on Saturday when the remainder of all the stitches will be removed.
Strangely enough, the part I thought was going to be agonisingly painful (the nostril stitches) I experienced very little discomfort whilst he was doing it - and only the very odd momentary sharp pain from those that he removed from the forehead.  He was very gentle.  The plaster/bandaging on the nose remains however and I will be really glad to see the back of that.
He gave me a tentative date of 7 days from now for the second lot of surgery which he said he would assess again when I see him on Saturday.
All is looking good.

Wednesday, 1 February 2012

Femilife Reviews

Here is a link to the two reviews which I have written about my experiences with Femilife.
The one in English can be accessed here
El uno en español se puede acceder aquí

Laser Peel Review

Went by to the clinic this evening for a review by the doctor who did my laser skin peel and although very satisfied by the results on the cheeks and forehead, he wants to do a further treatment to my lip and lower face area - which is fine by me.  I had seen some results on You-tube of CO2 laser peels which had seemed just too aggressive and the face was covered in one huge scab afterwards - I much prefer this technique of doing it twice to get to the necessary depth to eliminate the wrinkles.
This will be scheduled for shortly after I have my middle and lower face lift in about 10 days time.  They will still be doing the platelet rejuvenation treatment before I leave Peru  as well - although this might be delayed until my last week in Lima now.