Thursday, 23 February 2012

Second Review of Face/Neck Uplifts and Implants

Nikky called to collect me today to take me to see Dr. Pimentel for the second review and to start the removal of the stitches.  He is pleased with how it is going, but told me I still had to avoid wearing the upper denture because of the stitches inside my mouth.
The bruising on my chin is now rapidly fading and he thought I would be fine to restart the laser skin resurfacing work either Friday or Saturday, so all is set fair for everything to be done for when I beging my journey back to the UK.
A full report is in my diary about my FFS here.
Nikky also informed me that my appointment with Dr. Cueva was tomorrow (not next Wednesday as I thought) as the crowns were not quite ready for today (why does it take 3 weeks for them to be made on the NHS I wonder - I thought it was good to be just a week lol).
After I got back to my apartment, I decided to go for a walk round as last week I had spotted a little shopping mall away from the main tourist shops where they sold some really nice looking handbags - so I went back there and after a delightful 30 mins of looking over the wares and having a chat with the nice Peruvian lady who owned the 'stall' (for want of a better word - it was like a large recess in the wall with a canopy hanging out from the wall) I bought a really nice one for just 30 soles (about £7)

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